
About me

My name is Tina Zhuo, and I’ve been a product manager for 6 years.

I am constantly working to hone and improve my craft of product management. The day that my learning and development slows is the time for me to move on from a role.

I thrive in new challenges and problem spaces, close collaboration with design and engineering teams and cross-functional partners, and opportunities to define and execute "greenfield" product initiatives. I prefer building to optimizing, though this is a false dichotomy.

While I am not actively looking for new opportunities, my head would turn for interesting problems with opportunities to define and execute product strategy. I also offer mentorship and consulting services.

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Are you a product manager with Marty Cagan's Inspired committed to memory, a history of leading teams to creatively deliver customer value, and an insatiable hunger to keep going? So am I; let's become smarter PMs together.